The Martian by Andy Weir

The Martian, Andy Weir, February 2014, Crown Publishing, Kindle edition An amazing read! This is a survival story…. In space! Please, take a moment and think about this. A survival story on Mars! That alone is worth all the space/scientific jargon. Some times I got lost in the information but I desperately wanted to understand…

Landline by Rainbow Rowell

Landline by Rainbow Rowell, 2014: Orion, Kindle edition I’m so disappointed in this book. I really love everything Rainbow Rowell puts out in the book world, but this one was rather blah. The plot was weak, the love story not convincing and the whole thing was just a monotonous monologue of a woman whom I…

Thought Police

About a month ago, my friends and I were talking about a recent trend of rewriting classics to meet our current politically correct reality. I have to say, I hate the need to have political correctness in our everyday life. The discussion was derived by the initiative of a scholar who wanted to stop Huckleberry Finn from…