My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante, Book to TV adaptation

The Neapolitan novels are a quadrology of brilliant literary fiction with an edge, comprised of My Brilliant Friend, The Story of a New Name, Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay, and The Story of the Lost Child. Each one more heartbreaking than the one before, they kept me company for more than 1700 pages…

The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, Book to Movie adaptation

I’m sure you can see it from the featured image; the aesthetics are completely different and while the amazing cover by Vintage is preparing us for a fascinating journey into uncharted literary territories, the movie poster seems to allude to a hyper-sexualised story about prostitutes (?) maybe. To be fair, the first cover was rather…

My year in books: 2015 edition

It might be February now but every year I promise myself I will right one of these and every year I fail to deliver. Mostly because I think about it, and then think about it some more, I read a few books, I write some other stuff and before you know it it’s April and…

Audioreading: a how-to guide

This is a tricky issue, because people always wonder how I can listen to audiobooks; they seem to think it is unnatural, stupid, waste of time and time, not to mention not reading. I, personally, love audiobooks and really wonder how come I didn’t “catch the bug” sooner. I really believe that we need to…

The Martian by Andy Weir

The Martian, Andy Weir, February 2014, Crown Publishing, Kindle edition An amazing read! This is a survival story…. In space! Please, take a moment and think about this. A survival story on Mars! That alone is worth all the space/scientific jargon. Some times I got lost in the information but I desperately wanted to understand…

Landline by Rainbow Rowell

Landline by Rainbow Rowell, 2014: Orion, Kindle edition I’m so disappointed in this book. I really love everything Rainbow Rowell puts out in the book world, but this one was rather blah. The plot was weak, the love story not convincing and the whole thing was just a monotonous monologue of a woman whom I…

The Lightning Thief

The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan, Hyperion: 2009, Kindle edition Ok. Ok, so this wasn’t as bad as I was afraid it would be, but it didn’t exceed my expectations either. Meaning, this book is obviously attempting to complete the successful recipe of Harry Potter but it does not succeed because there is no recipe….

The City and the City by China Miéville

I struggled to get used to the language – the “idiosyncratic” writing – and become interested in the story per se. It took two thirds of the book to get me excited and wanting, desperately, to know more about the cities and Inspector Borlu. But I did and I did, and finally it came in…

The Three by Sarah Lotz

This was a… weird book. It feels like an epistolary novel, with multiple articles and transcriptions of Skype conversations, text messages, etc. OK, let’s start from the beginning – I promise, no spoilers. This is the story of four instantaneous plane crushes – on Europe, Japan, Africa, and America – and three child survivors that…